If she is hit on the head by roughs, she is hit on the head . 如果流氓来打伤她的头,我们也无能为力了。
Wife : " honey , this afternoon the big clock fell off the wall . had it fallen a moment sooner , my mother would have been hit on the head and badly hurt . 妻子: “亲爱的,今天下午这个大钟从墙上掉下来了。如果它再早点掉下来就会砸到我妈妈的头,会受重伤的。 ”
Grandma had been sent to stay in a ward at a hospital " i instantly felt like being hit on the head . i asked , " when did that happen ? why haven t you told me earlier ? 当我快追上利利的时候,当我距离利利只有十米左右的时候,惊险的一幕发生了:从远处快速开来一艘摩托艇,直向游泳区冲来。